Better Posture When Working from Home

Do you work from home some of the time...or all of the time?

If you've had trouble optimizing your home for good posture while you work, then this week's Power Pause video is for you!

Sometimes a small (and easy) adjustment can make a BIG difference in how your neck, back, and shoulders feel...and it doesn't necessarily mean buying anything fancy.

The first step, of course, is to PAUSE and take a look at your work set-up.  Use my video to help you evaluate what's serving you and what isn't.  I'll show you how I use all sorts of not fancy stuff around the house (pillows, old year books, and extra keyboard) to make things a lot better.

In the video, I talk about...

  • Improving your set-up at the kitchen or dining room table

  • What types of seating to avoid

  • Optimizing how you sit on the couch with your laptop

  • The benefits of having multiple work space.

The common theme of each Power Pause video is how to pause in order to become more conscious of your habits and make different movement and postural choices.

Want to learn more? Check out my free training as well as my 1:1 sessions and classes in the menu above.