Running (or Walking) with Better Posture - Quick Tip!

If you're into running or walking to stay fit (or trying to get into either one), do you ever feel like you might be able to run or walk, better...

but you don't know where to start?

Poor posture, movement, and breathing habits can put a wrench in your workout.

By interfering with your quality of movement, these habits can make you more prone to injury, provoke aches and pains, make moving feel like a chore, and cause you to run out of steam easily.

There are many aspects to maintaining good posture, breathing, and form...and in today's Power Pause video, I’m going to share with you one quick tip that you can go out an experiment with: your rhythm.

In today’s video, I…

  • Explain why rhythm can affect posture in running and walking

  • Demonstrate two contrasting rhythm patterns an suggest why one may help you improve your posture and boost your energy as you move.

I suggest you get up and try this one so you can experience the difference between the two rhythms.  Click here or on the image below to check it out.

Interested in learning more about posture and running?Check it out the workshop I’ll be co-teaching in NYC in July. I also offer individual sessions on running and walking form.