Tips to Avoid Hunching when Loading Laundry

This Halloween, I hope you'll celebrate by doing the Monster Mash, not the Laundry Lurch

What's the Laundry LurchIt's what people do when they stick their necks out and round their shoulders to pull laundry out of a machine.

If you want improve your posture, but you always find yourself slouching even when you really need to be at your best, then you may need to look at what habits are contributing to your slouching.

What people sometimes don't realize is that it's the little things we do all day add up and affect those big moments.  The habits we develop duing every-day tasks impact overall posture -- for better or for worse -- and affect how you show up when it really counts.

To improve posture when you want to feel composed and make a good impression, it's also important to look at how you're interacting with all of the stuff you encounter, like your smartphone, the dishes, your car, and the theme of today's Power Pause video...

...the laundry!

My washer and dryer are stacked in a tight spot in the bathroom...perfect for a check out the video above for two key pointers on how to avoid hunching and scrunching when you're loading your laundry.  The Laundry Lurch really is avoidable!  

I'm going to be running my Interact with Impact online course for women again this winter, which focuses on improving posture when you're interact with others. Keep an eye out for more information later this week!